Your future: You will take a psychic test online.

I transported this quiz from RPM's blog. I'm Pisces. I had to take it. And put it on my blog. If only moving mountains for love qualified as psychokensis, I'd zing off the chart. Anyhow, take a gander. Myself, I won't be qutting my day job and signing up at Kenny Kingston just yet.

take the psi-q psychic test yourself

You scored highest in Precognition.

While clairvoyance and telepathy have to do with perceiving events across distance precognition focuses on the ability to 'see' events across time. Specifically future events. Precognition is often for a lot of people totally unexpected and not asked for. It is the ability to see the future. It is usually experienced in a variety of ways among the most common are through feelings, brief inner glimpses, dreams and the third eye (the minds eye). For some, especially if not understood, this ability can be disconcerting until the gift is properly managed. This can be done through reading, experiencing and understanding psychic ability.

Your next highest score was for Telepathy/Empathy.

Telepathy is often confused with clairvoyant skills. Telepathy is the ability to read or pick up on the thoughts of another person. Telepathy is one of the more common experiences people have of psychic ability. Most people can recall an instance where they have known who was calling before picking up the phone. So what is the difference between imagination and good guessing skills and telepathy? Telepathy tends to work best where it involves the transference of emotions, particularly strong ones rather than thoughts. It also tends to happen at the same time or just before the thoughts are spoken. As psychic skills progress the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others increases.

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