So has Stewie got nine lives x 2?

When beckoning “here, kitty kitty,” give him extra moments to get there for his load.

All 4 feet of him.

Stewie and Robin Hendrickson / Reno Gazette-Journal/AP

Measuring 48.5 inches from tip of nose to tip of tail bone, Stewie, a Maine Coon, has just been proclaimed the world’s longest domestic cat by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Maine Coons are known as laid-back gentle giants in the kitty kingdom. His owners are Robin Hendrickson and Erik Brandsness of Reno, NV; she says Stewie loves people, especially kids.

Now that Stewie’s been catapulted into stardom, what’s, ahem, ahead and afoot?

Says Robin: “We hope that maybe Stewie can visit classrooms to help awareness of animal welfare. We also would hope that he continues to be the great guy he is.

“But it wouldn’t hurt to see his picture on a bag of cat food. Or maybe sponsorships to cat shows. I think it would be great if Stewie was known worldwide. Mostly though, I hope he makes people smile.”

It was only the innumerable remarks about his extraordinary length that spurred his owners to put their kitty to the world record’s test. Now Stewie’s sitting in the cat bird seat after having ousted another Maine Coon owned by a Chicago woman by a hair.

Errr, whisker.

Errr, nose.

Errr, 1/2 inch to be exact.